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Design Thinking in Schools

Making learning memorable 

Classroom practices usually focus on knowledge transfer, creating content for memory. We want to make learning memorable.

Inquiry Learning

 Using Design Thinking as our process we give educators an immersive experience into inquiry learning so they can incorporate it into their practice. Then, we support them in designing units of work suited to their students and coach them through the delivery of those units.


At its core, inquiry learning happens through the identification of real-world problems and of the best process to solve them.

- We immerse students in the problem area. We use a variety of tools from many disciplines to let the problem become more complex and allow the data to emerge organically.

- We guide students through a synthesis of the data to find the key problem statement.

- We support students in coming up with ideas to solve the problem together.

- Next up is prototyping. A key process of ideation and iteration that teaches students how to listen, get feedback and act on it. 

- The process pushes students' creative thinking forward. They learn to build on existing ideas, but also venture beyond what's already there and imagine how they can come up with new ideas together. They learn how to push the limits of what is possible, and ultimately—how to change the world.

Pipeline to Industry

We want students to leave schools and universities not just ready to work, but ready to succeed. For this to happen, they need to have 21st-century skills. But that's not all of it: the connection between education and industry needs to be stronger.

Industry and educational institutions are often not communicating. This causes a significant disconnect between the skills graduates learn in schools and the skills the industry is looking for. 

Educational institutions don't have the tools to design an effective pipeline to industry. They are tied to traditional subjects, methodologies and pathways. And because they don't talk to the industry, they don't know what skills to prioritize. So, they fail to keep pace with our fast-changing world.

For example, Australian schools design vocational and apprenticeship programs without reference to industry needs. As a result, their programs lack flexibility, are overly administrative and don't equip students with the skills the market requires.

At EnRusk we connect education and industry through our philosophy of collective design. We deliver a collective experience that gives both parties an equal voice. The output is a new pathway to industry, an alternative to the traditional approach that draws from educators and industry leaders from around the world. It's the application of global thinking to a local problem that can be then scaled up or down.

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